Friday, October 2, 2015

Care about the future of the planet? Join our CONVA!

The #nifkin students are holding a CONVA about environmental issues.
Join us! Everyone is welcome!

Author Derrick Jensen has said that hope isn’t the answer: we need to take action. He says that personal lifestyle changes will never be enough.

So in this surge of collaborative writing, we are going to figure out what that means for those of us who care about the future of the planet. Here are some questions to get us started:

What are the most urgent environmental problems facing the planet? What is causing those problems? What do we need to do to change the patterns we see? What cultural change is needed? What’s the role of science? What’s the role of art, music, and literature? How can we use the internet? What is the role of creativity? What are some creative solutions you’ve seen?

Please add to our collaboration by contributing your thoughts at

Be sure to add your name and hometown at the bottom of the page.

The CONVA will begin Monday, October 5th
and end at midnight EST on Thursday, October 8th.

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